Let's see some of the code. First we create a frame to use like a container widget. In our example, we use the table geometry manager from BLT's tk extension. You could do almost the same with the new grid geometry manager in tk8.0.
proc tableform { w args } { global $w frame $w table $wHere we create an array op with all options. This is possible, because each -option is followed by it's (only one) value. Then, if -lines is found, it's value is used to setup a variable (array) with index -lines. By storing all options in an array variable with the same basename as the widget, we keep our namespace clean.
array set op $args foreach option [array names op] { switch -- $option { -lines { set ${w}(lines) $op(-lines) for {set i 0} {$i <= $op(-lines)} {incr i} { table $w [label $w.b$i -relief raised -width 2] $i,0 } unset op(-lines) } } }Now we are ready to pass the remaining options to the container frame and make it "invisible" by renaming its command. We set also the column counter (another array element) to its initial value.
eval $w config [array get op] rename $w ${w}(frame) set ${w}(col) 1
Then we can create a procedure for the widget instance being defined. A problem here is that we haven't the name of the widget in advance, so doing something like:
proc $w { args } { ... body with $w in use ... }
doesn't work, because $w will not be substituted. (It's not an argument, but the name of the procedure!)
Instead, we need something like a lamdba function from Lisp. We can use regsub to our rescue for doing this variable substitution, in a manner similar of that used for binding events to functions.
The idea is to do:
regsub -all %w { ... body with %w substituted for the real widget name ... } $w body proc $w { args } $bodySo, we first create a body by changing all occurances of %w (our fake name) by $w (the real widget name), say "in compile time". Next, we use the replace string as the body for our definition.
Here is the final procedure:
# # create a tableform "table-like" widget # proc tableform { w args } { global $w frame $w table $w array set op $args foreach option [array names op] { switch -- $option { -lines { set ${w}(lines) $op(-lines) for {set i 0} {$i <= $op(-lines)} {incr i} { table $w [label $w.b$i -relief raised -width 2] $i,0 } unset op(-lines) } } } eval $w config [array get op] rename $w ${w}(frame) set ${w}(col) 1 regsub -all %w { global %w if {$cmd != "addcol"} { return } set j [set %w(col)] set lines [set %w(lines)] set op(-width) 10 set op(-justify) left set op(-text) "" set op(-takefocus) 1 array set op $args table %w [label %w.c$j -relief raised -width $op(-width) \ -text $op(-text) -takefocus 0] 0,$j -fill x for {set i 1} {$i <= $lines} {incr i} { set e [entry %w.e$i,$j -border 0 -bg white \ -highlightcolor black -highlightbackground gray90 \ -width $op(-width) -highlightthickness 1 \ -takefocus $op(-takefocus) -justify $op(-justify) table %w $e $i,$j if {$i > 1} { bind $eIf you want to see a screenshot of this widget in action, please go here."focus %w.e[expr $i-1],$j" } if {$i < $lines} { bind $e "focus %w.e[expr $i+1],$j" } } incr j set %w(col) $j } $w body proc $w { cmd args } $body }
tableform .itens -lines 15 .itens addcol -text item -width 5 .itens addcol -text código -width 8 .itens addcol -text descrição -width 40 .itens addcol -text "pr.unit." -width 11 .itens addcol -text subtotal -width 11The supported options for the widget instance are: -width, -justify, -takefocus and -text. The widget creating command supports, besides -lines as shown above, all options for the regular frame command, which controls its container frame.